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Customizable exam forms allow you to create the templates you need for a specific disease or injury process, doctor, species or preferred format (HELAP, SOAP, SOLAP, etc.).
Create a Form
- To create and customize your Exam Form navigate to Menu > Settings > Medical Setup > Exam Forms.
- Click the Add Form button to create a new form.
- Select Exam Form or History Form.
- On the Create Form page, enter a Form Name and select the Species.
Once the new form has loaded it is possible to:
- Update the Form Name.
- Toggle off the Active Form to create the form in draft mode.
- Toggle off the Show Notes if the notes text box is not required.
- Press Save to proceed to the next customization options.
Exam Form Sections
- To add an exam form section, save the form. An Add Section link will appear.
- Click Add Section.
- Select the section required from the side panel.
The Vitals section is only available on the Exam Form and to aid the input and review of observations. The Vitals section is anchored to the top of the form, and unlike other sections, this position cannot be changed.
The Objective/History section allows visual representation of patient assessments/answers to questions. These visual representations (Concern, No Concern, Not Examined) can be edited using the drop-down list next to the selection circle.
Comments can be added or removed using the toggle, with each response line removed by using the trash can icon. If a default comment should be associated with a selection, add the required comment into the Default Comment line.
The Settings icon allows single or multiple answer responses to be allowed and if a Notes section is required, turn the Include Notes toggle on.
This section, by default, has three options. Once the section is saved, an Add Option will appear to add additional options.
The custom/blank option allows a high level of flexibility so Exam Forms can fit the purpose of the exam.
- Additional option lines can be added.
- Default comments can be toggled on or off.
- Single or multiple selection is available.
- Notes are available if Include Notes is toggled on.
Saving, Editing, Duplicating and Deleting Exam Form
From the main Forms screen, there is an Actions column. Click on the Actions button next to a form to select the options to Edit, Duplicate, or Delete the form.
After the initial creation of the Exam Form, click the Save button located in the lower-right corner of the page. When the form has been saved, an option to add a section to the form will be available.
Exam Form configuration has been deliberately designed to be easier to use by providing the options to:
- Move sections and lines of the exam form using drag and drop for easy editing. Position the mouse over the icon shown in the image below to click and drag a section. The mouse will change to four arrows
- Add or remove lines within sections allowing tailoring to each Form’s purpose.
If periodic changes are required, the Exam Form can be updated by going to Menu > Settings > Medical Setup > Exam Forms and filtering to the species. Once the desired Form is located, click on the action menu to the right-hand side that allows the options of Edit, Delete or Duplicate.
Once Exam Forms have been created, they can be duplicated to save setup time. Duplicate the intended Exam Form by selecting Duplicate from the action menu on the Exam Form landing page.
To delete an Exam Form, select the action menu to the right-hand side of the form on the Exam Form landing page and select Delete.
Note: Unless a form was created in error, take care when deleting forms. A suitable action may be to make it inactive instead.