Label Templates allow you to control the format of the system defined label types (ex. Prescription). To get to the Label Templates, from the main menu, click on Menu > Settings > Practice Setup > Label Templates.
From the Label Templates section, you can create new templates or edit existing ones.
- Prescription - This will be used whenever you go to print a Rx label from the dispensable item.
- Client - This will be used whenever you go to print a client label from the client record.
- Patient - This would be printed from the patient's record and the patient quick links section.
- Treatment - printed from the treatment item's expanded details section and includes details about the treatment item.
- Cage - includes details about the reservation and can be printed from the calendar and visit page.
- Inventory - includes details about the inventory item and can be printed from the edit window in inventory mgmt.
Please note: If you enable label templates for a specific type of label (i.e. Prescription), the label template logic overrides any DYMO settings you have for that label type, which no longer uses direct DYMO integration. This means that a PDF will be generated for the label and you would then need to print it to your DYMO label printer. If you want to revert back to the DYMO label functionality, you would need to disable the label template.
- From the Label Template Management screen select "Add a New Label Template"
- The following screen will appear
Load a System Label Template - You can click on the option to load a system label template to reduce the work involved in creating a new one. We have commonly used templates with commonly used sizes in this list.
Name - This will be the name of the template that will appear if you have more than one template for the same type and you are prompted to choose which to use.
Template is used for? - The template type is used by the system to know which templates to use for which functions within the system.
Page Orientation - The page orientation controls the orientation of the printing. In most cases, it should be set to Auto.
Fit to Page - The fit to page option controls how to scale the printing to fit the height and width of the label. In most cases, it should be set to Shrink to Page.
Number of Copies - The number of copies option controls how many labels to print.
X Coordinate (points) - The X coordinate determines how far to move text right or left on the label.
Y Coordinate (points) - The Y coordinate determines how far to move text top or bottom on the label.
Width (points) - The width field tells the system what width size label you are using. This needs to be in points which can be achieved by multiplying the number of inches by 72. The dimensions of a label are specified with the label loaded in the device. Here is an example of a 1-4/5 by 3-1/10 label, notice the width and height.
Height (points) - The height field tells the system what height size label you are using. This needs to be in points which can be achieved by multiplying the number of inches by 72. The dimensions of a label are specified with the label loaded in the device.
Merge Fields - The merge field selection on the left allows you to click on the merge field and insert into the template.
Rich Text Editor - The editor section is where you can control the text and content.
Save - When you are done click Save.