Confirm Status allows you to designate various confirmation statuses if you call ahead to verify the client will be coming in for their appointment, if they call you to inform they will not be coming in after all, as well as if they don't show up for their appointment. Additionally, using the Appointment Report, you can filter to include/exclude confirmation status from the report you run.
- Click on Menu > Settings > Calendar > Confirm Status.
- You can activate or inactivate confirm statuses by simply clicking on the green/red circle under the Active column shown below.
- You can update existing statuses in order to change their name and icon associated which will appear on the appointment calendar when specified.
- If an appointment confirm status is changed to a status with the confirm type of Canceled, it will prevent appointment emails from being sent from the nightly tasks.
- You can also add new statuses by clicking on Add Confirm Status.
- From the appointment calendar, to update the confirm status, you can either do it directly from the shortcut menu that appears when you click on an appointment or from the View or Edit screens of an appointment.