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The patient profile has been redesigned for ease of use. This includes the Add Patient screen and the Edit Patient screen.
Adding a Patient from Patient Management
Users can add a new Patient from the Patient Management screen:
- Click on Menu > Patients. This will take you to the Patient Management screen.
- Click Add Patient.
When the Add Patient page appears, the user can fill out the patient information.
Tip: Use the "Tab", "Shift + Tab" to jump between fields.
Note: You can update which fields are required in the Settings section of the system. (Menu > Settings > Practice Setup > System Defaults)
- Patient Name: This will be the patient’s name (this is a system required field).
- Species: The list of active, not deleted, species from the current practice is displayed in the list (this is a system required field).
- Breed: The list of active, not deleted, breeds related to the selected species displayed in the list (this is a system required field).
- Second Breed: Appears when the Mixed checkbox is selected.
- Sex: The list of available sex values for the selected species.
- Color: This will be the color of the patient.
- Client Name Look Up: Start typing the client's name within the field and choose the appropriate client (this is a system required field).
- Authorization Notes: It is possible to stretch the height of the field.
Patient Status: The following list of values will be displayed (considering the order):
- Active
- Adopted
- Changed Vets
- Deceased
- Euthanized
- Gave Away
- HBC Deceased
- Inactive
- Lost
- No Reminders
- Owner Moved
- Passed Away
- Sold TNR
- Date of Status Change: Values can be selected from the calendar.
- Date of Birth: Values can be selected from the calendar or typed in the Years/Months/Weeks fields.
- Allergies: This information will be displayed on the Patient Signalments on the medical record.
- Patient Alerts: Enter any comments/concerns staff should be aware of regarding the patient that will appear when accessing this patient's record.
- Primary Provider: This will be the client's preferred provider for this patient. (This field must be enabled under Menu > Settings > Practice Setup > General > Medical Record Settings > Enable the primary provider option on patient record?)
- Microchip: This will be the microchip number of the patient.
- Rabies Tag: This will be the rabies tag number of the patient.
- Tattoo: This will be the information about the tattoo of the patient.
- Markings: This will be the information about special markings on the patient.
- Clicking Save will save the patient information and you will be redirected to the patient's medical record page.
- Clicking Save and Add Another Patient will save the patient information and you will be redirected to the Add Patient page.
- Clicking Save and Schedule an Appointment will save the patient information and you will be redirected to the Create Appointment page.
- Clicking Cancel will close the page without saving changes and you will be redirected to the Patient Management screen.
Adding Patient Profile Photo
You can add a patient profile photo to display when you go to the patient's record and patient Signalments. It will also be shown on certain generated documents, such as the Patient Health Report Card.
You can add a patient profile photo from Edit Patient page. Navigate to the client and scroll down to Patients. Click the pencil icon to the left of the patient to edit.
From the Edit Patient screen, click on Upload Photo below Profile Photo.
- The File Explorer opens. Navigate to where the patient image is located. The image file can be any of the following formats: JPEG, JPG, PNG, BMP.
- When the image file is selected, click Open on the File Explorer window.
- The Add Photo screen will appear with the profile pictured.
- On the Add Photo screen, position the mouse on the corners to resize
the image.
- Move the mouse to the middle of the image to move
the image to the desired position.
- Use the buttons above the image to rotate, zoom out or zoom in the image.
- When finished modifying the photo, click Save Photo.
- Click Cancel to close Add Photo without saving changes.
When saved, the Profile Photo will look similar to what is shown below.
Deleting a Patient Profile Photo
Click on the delete icon to remove the photo from the Patient Profile. A prompt will display confirming the deletion. Click Delete to continue or click Cancel to keep the image.
Merging Patients
Duplicate patient records do come up at times and need to be merged so you do not have to view multiple records to get a complete medical history on one patient. This could easily occur as a result from different people bringing in the same patient (e.g., new owner) or as a result of merging two client records.
- Navigate to the patient profile that will be merged into the destination patient.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page and from the Save button, select Merge with Another Patient (if this option does not show, the employee may not have the right to merge records)
- A Merge Patient Look up modal will display.
- Start searching and choose the appropriate destination patient, then click Merge.
Note: It is recommended to write down the patient ID of the destination patient record to be sure you choose the correct patient in this field.
- You will get a warning message that merges are permanent. If you are still certain you want to merge the two client records, click Yes, Continue.
- You will then be directed to the medical record of the destination patient. All the information, except the patient profile information, will be merged (e.g., visits, reminders, vaccines, treatments etc.).
Patient Deactivation
We never recommend deleting records in your system. Instead, we recommend that you simply inactivate patients. That way you can retain the records for future use, but they will only show up in your searches and on your reports if you specifically choose to include inactive patients.
- In order to inactivate a patient, navigate to Edit Patient.
- On the Edit Patient screen, select Inactive in the patient Status field.
- Add the Date of Status Change.
- Click Save.
You will be redirected to the medical record for this patient. In the Patient Signalment, the Status will be Inactive.