Returns should only be used for specific cases and when processed, customer credits will generate on the client’s Account Balance to be refunded or retained. Once a return is processed, the transaction cannot be voided or deleted. Use this article to correct a return transaction.
Refunding the Customer Credit
- Access the client’s page under which the transaction was processed.
- Under the Account Balance section of the client’s page, click Process Refund*.
*Note: If there are unpaid invoices on the Account Balance, you will see the option Make Payment instead.
- Ensure any unpaid invoices are deselected.
- Confirm the Amount area has a negative (-) value that matches the customer credit.
- Select the payment type that matches the original payment. Click Process Payment.
- The page will redirect to the Payment History and display the newest transaction. Click Edit Receipt to change the Deposit Date back to the original transaction date (as needed).
Results from the Corrected Return
By following the steps above, you’ll remove the customer credit and cancel the return. You can rerun your Sales Report for that day to view these transactions and store the updated run. The Sales report will show that you took in money and refunded it back to the client.