An Invoice can be transferred to another client account for payment. If you do not have the appropriate rights or there is a payment applied, the "Transfer Invoice" link will not be available on the invoice.
To transfer an invoice, go to the client page and select the invoice you want to transfer. At the top of the invoice will be a set of three icons. The first icon will be the email, then the print then the three dots. Click on the the three dots icon to show the Transfer Invoice option.
Once you click Transfer invoice you will need to select the destination client to send the invoice to. Select the client and click transfer again.
Once you click Transfer you will see a confirmation box pop up asking if you are sure you want to transfer. Select yes to complete the transfer.
A Transfer Successful box will pop up letting you know that you have successfully transferred the invoice. When you select OK you will be redirected to the destination client's page where you are able to continue processing payment on the invoice.