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There is enhanced integration with Covetrus Prescription Management. This means a practice who orders through Covetrus Prescription Management will be able to write prescriptions right from a patient’s medical record when the feature is enabled.
NOTE: You must first set up the integration with Covetrus Prescription Management. Once the setup is complete, it can be enabled by Support.
Global Prescription Management (GPM) Support:
Writing a Proactive Prescription
- Navigate to a Patient's Medical Record.
- Scroll down to the Quick Links section and click the new Quick Link named Create Rx. This will launch the integration.
* The position of the Quick Link is customizable by Practice so the position may vary.
- You'll be prompted to log in. Enter the credentials you use to log into the Prescription Management website. For security purposes, you will be asked to log in occasionally.
- Next, you'll search for and select the product you're wanting to prescribe the patient. Weight and Species* filters are enabled by default. You have the ability to disable them.
* Species will automatically populate when the patient record and Prescription Management have been linked.
- You can also click the
will give more information about the product.
- The next step varies depending on if the Patient/Client records in the system and Prescription Management have been previously linked or not. This integration respects any Patients/Clients that you've previously linked through the Prescription Management site. Here are the various paths:
- Path 1 - Client and Patient records in the system and Prescription have previously been linked. You're all set and can move to Step 6 to finalize the prescription!
- Path 2 - Linking a Patient and Client that exist in Prescription Management but have not been linked to the Patient and Client records in the system.
- You can search for the Patient in Prescription Management right from the integration. Clicking on the matching Patient record in the results will link the Patient and Client Records to the records in Prescription Management. Once that is done you can skip the next three paths and move to Step 6 to finalize the prescription!
- If you don't find the Patient in the search results move on to Path 3 to import them into Prescription Management.
- Path 3 - Importing and linking a new Patient to a Client that already exists in Prescription Management.
- Path 3 - Importing and linking a new Patient to a Client that already exists in Prescription Management.
- When you reach the Patient Search, click Import as new.
- On the next screen, you'll select the 'This is an existing client' option.
- Now you'll search for the Client in Prescription Management. Select the correct Client in the results that you are wanting to link the Patient to.
- If you don't find the Client in the results move on to path 4 to import them into Prescription Management.
- Some fields will automatically populate with information from the Patient record. Confirm the Patient information and enter values into any fields that are empty. Once you're ready, click 'Import and Link' to import the new Patient and link them to the existing Client in Prescription Management. You can now move to finalize the prescription!
Path 4 - Importing into Prescription Management and linking a new Patient and Client. This would be the path for Patients/Clients that are new to your Practice or a current Patient that you've never written a prescription for on the Prescription Management website.
When you reach the Patient Search (see image above in Path 2), click 'Import as new'.
On the next screen, you'll select the 'This is a new client' option.
- Some fields will automatically populate with information from the Client and Patient records. Confirm the pre-populated information and enter info into any fields that are empty. Once you're ready, click 'Import and Link' to import the new Client and Patient into Prescription Management and link them to the records in the system. You can now move to Step 6 to finalize the prescription!
- The next, and final, step is finalizing the prescription. Both the Patient and Products are minimized but can be expanded to confirm all the information is accurate. Beneath those informational cards, the script pad will be displayed.
- Within the “Units Per Fill” field enter the quantity dispensed. The remaining field defaults and rules function according to settings within the Prescription management platform. This includes Autoship defaults, the Authorizing Veterinarian, SIG Shortcuts, and Notes to Client Shortcuts. All SmartScribe functionality is also available. Specifically, the system checks for species, keywords, weight, or controlled substance concerns. When the script fields are complete, click on the Send button located at the bottom of the screen.
- When the prescription has been submitted, a page will appear showing the prescription has been successful.
- If enabled, prescription recommendation details will be written back into the appropriate patient's medical history.
- When the client accepts and pays for the filled prescription, the details of the prescription order will be written back again in a separate entry into the patient medical history.
- See Covetrus Prescription Management Integration - Writeback to Medical Record for more information on the Writeback functionality.