- You may need to produce a list of charges by patient rather than one invoice with multiple patient charges assigned.
- This is commonly requested by the client for pet insurance purposes.
The Patient Charges Report can help without having to void payments to split previous invoices.
- Locate the patient medical record that you need to print charges for.
- Scroll down, below the section for Quick Links, to the right, the first blue icon in that row is the Patient Charges icon:
- You will be directed to a date filter in the Patient Charges Report.
- Configure start and end dates as needed and then select "Generate."
- End date is exclusive -- set the end date for one day after you'd like charges to be displayed.
- This will load the completed report in the next page.
- The report will include columns for Service Date, Client Name, Item Name, Quantity, Total Price, and Paid status.
- From here, you can export this by Excel or PDF.