While adding or modifying a form, on the NEW Exam Form and History Form pages, on the top right corner, you will see a button () that will allow you to expand to view key patient details.
This information allows you to review what you were able to with the previous patient highlights, but in a more condensed and cleaner format!
Patient highlights at the top (Before)
Requires you to scroll up to the top of the page as you are filling out the form.
Patient highlights side navigation (After)
The Patient Highlights Sidebar allows you to view patient details while completing an exam or history form.
With the new sidebar, you can optionally expand/collapse, and scroll independently from the patient exam form. So as you scroll through the form, the patient's highlights will remain stationary from where you last were.
Each "card" on the highlights will provide you with information based on the corresponding title. The cards that will be available are the following.
- Patient - Key patient information, based on who the form is being filled out for.
- Client - Key client information, for who owns the pet.
- Weight Trend - List of weight entries, sorted by date descending.
- Master Problems - List of master problems for the patient, both resolved and onset will display.
- Reminders - List of reminders due for the patient, sorted by date ascending.
- Patient Medications - List of the patient's Medications on file.
- Visits - List of the patient's upcoming and past visits, sorted by date descending.
- Callbacks - List of callbacks that are currently assigned to the patient.
- Documents - List of documents attached to the patient record that can be viewed or downloaded.
- Notes - List of notes under the patient record.
- Core Vaccines - List of active core vaccines being tracked for the patient record..
- Patient Referrals - List of active referrals for the patient.
- Follow Ups - Listing of follow up visits for the patient.
Display Settings
Next to the button to expand the sidebar, there is a gear icon ( ), which provides you with the ability to show/hide specific cards or organize them based on which is more important to be near the top, to avoid any potential scrolling.
Changes are applied automatically. To exit the display settings, either click the Close button or click the x on the top right corner.