The homepage dashboard is designed for ease of use and intuitive navigation. When you first log into the system you will see the homepage dashboard which contains several quick and easy tools that you can use for your day-to-day business. Below you will see all the dashboard icons. You may notice that not all may apply to your particular role in the system.
Beginning at the left-hand side of the screen you will see your practice's logo. This can be changed by updating your Settings (discussed in the General Settings article). As you move to the right you will see the date and the time for the time zone in which you are currently logged in.
Near the upper middle of your screen, you will see the Active Patient drop-down list. Here you can see the 20 most recent patient records that you have worked on. Next you will see the Active Employee drop-down list. Here you can see which employee is logged into the workstation and also change who is currently the active employee.
The Quick Search and Advanced Search allow you to locate active client and patient records, as well as dive deeper into record details like Treatments, Medical Notes, Diagnosis and more. To learn more, click here: Search vs. Advanced Search on the Homepage.
Next you will see a series of smaller icons shown below.
Clock Icon: This is the employee time clock. Here they will enter their pin to clock in and out of the system. This information can then be used for payroll and time tracking purposes.
Price Tag Icon: Quickly check the price on items in your inventory by clicking on this icon. Here you will see the price and how many of the item you have on hand in your inventory.
Gear Icon: This will take you to the Practice Settings section of the system. Here you can configure your site, update your billable items, run reports, etc. Please see the additional Settings articles for more information.
Logoff Icon: Click to log out the the system.
Person Icon: Click to access the following items.
- Help: Here you will find helpful hints via a link to the knowledge base, the email address for our support team, and the phone line to reach a live support team member 24/7 in the event of an emergency.
- Practice Documents: This will allow you to access any practice documents that have been uploaded with the "Is Public" option.
- Email Dashboard: This will take you to the Email Activity where you can search for emails sent to clients.
Finally, you will see the main Menu. This is the menu you will use for the majority of your day-to-day activities. Click on to expand or collapse the menu. In the image below, the Menu is expanded so the labels are displayed to the right of their icon. If a menu option has a chevron
, click to expand or collapse to view the options available from the menu.
Home: This will bring you back to the home page with the calendar, appointment reminders, incomplete appointments, client appointment requests. Whiteboard: Similar to a dry erase board in your office. A list of tasks set for the day for all employees. Tasks: The Task Dashboard will display tasks or callbacks for clients/patients and when they are due. Clients: This is your client management section. Here you can search for and update existing clients, create new clients, view account balance information, client documentation, etc. Patients: This is your patient management section where the practice will likely spend the majority of their day. Here you can update patient general and medical information and assign billable items for appointments taken by the patient. Reports: There are many different reports including Patient Reminders, Accounts Receivable, Sales Report, Usage Report, New Clients, and Inventory reports Labs: This section shows recent lab results. Currently there is one new lab to view in the picture above. Boarding: Create boarding reservations, cage types and reservation types. Inventory: This will bring you to the Inventory Management screen, Covetrus orders, purchase orders, and controlled substances. Settings: Under this category, you will find several options for customizing the program to fit your business needs. |