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The sales report in the system will allow you to see your sales based on many different criteria. Following the steps to generate the report is an explanation of Nontaxable Sales.
- To run the Sales Report, click on Menu > Reports.
- Click on the Edit pencil next to Sales Report.
- From the Sales Report edit options, you are able to change the Name and Description of the report, run a new report, and schedule when the report should run:
- Click on New Run (as shown in the figure above).
- Give the report a name. After it is run it will show up in the Previous Runs section with the name you give it.
- Enter the date range in which you would like to see your sales.
- You can choose from the following summaries to include in your sales report.
- Cash Summary - Shows monies received grouped by payment option as well as sales tax collected, discounts, credits, and coupons taken.
- Discount Breakdown - Shows a breakdown of all discounts given.
- Cashier Breakdown - Shows all the same information as the Cashier Summary, but by individual cashiers (employees).
- Tax Summary - Shows taxes collected grouped by tax rate. For example, if you have a separate tax rate for state and municipality, you will see the breakdown here.
- Provider Summary/Provider Summary Breakdown - If both are selected, they will show up together on one report. The Provider Summary shows monies received grouped by employee and the breakdown lists out the individual transactions.
- Category Summary/Category Breakdown - If both are selected, they will show up together in one report. The Category Summary shows monies received grouped by inventory category, service category, and lab category. Including the Category Breakdown shows the individual transactions.
- Provider Category Breakdown - Shows monies received by category per Provider.
- Transaction List/Transaction Breakdown - The Transaction List will show all transactions during the specified time. Including the breakdown will show all billable items associated to those transactions.
- Check Transactions - This will show all transactions with the payment type of 'check' over the specified time frame.
- Next, you can choose to run the report by a certain Cashier or Provider and/or Client Information by using the drop-down lists shown below:
- Once all of your options have been selected, click Generate.
- The file will take a moment to generate. Once it is finished you will be taken to a screen where you can download the file as a PDF file, Excel file, or view the results in the webpage by scrolling down. Your filters will also be shown on this page:
Explanation of Nontaxable Sales
It is important to note what the Nontaxable Sales on the Sales Report represents and how that number is calculated. Nontaxable Sales are calculated by subtracting the Total Taxable Sales from the Total Amount of Payments received. This ultimately means that Nontaxable Sales should really be thought of as Nontaxable Income, because they represent the monies received by the clinic that did not go towards Taxable items.
This being the case, there are a number of scenarios that will add to or subtract from the Nontaxable Sales number.
For example:
- Taking a Deposit Payment - Deposits do not get applied to any invoices or invoiced items. This means it does not count towards your Taxable Sales and is instead reported as Nontaxable Income/Sales.
In addition, deposits equal nontaxable sales/income because there are no billables to calculate taxable sales from.
If you do require deposits for your services/appointments, be aware that it will display as nontaxable sales for the date of payment and then as taxable sales on the date the credit is applied towards invoice(s).
Using an Existing Credit - Credits are previous overpayments towards invoices and are considered part of the non-taxable sales/income on the sales report for the date they were generated. When they are applied later towards invoices, they reduce the total of non-taxable sales since they were considered on a previous report's non-taxable sales.
- Taking Payments at Different Times - Taxable Sales get calculated when the first payment is made towards a taxable billable item. So, if a client has $1,000.00 worth of taxable items on an invoice, and they make a single payment for $100.00 towards that invoice, your Taxable Sales goes up by that full $1,000.00 for that day. All subsequent payments towards that same invoice will be counted as Nontaxable Sales because those items have already been counted towards your Taxable Sales numbers.