You can quickly and easily send a mass communication email to all your clients for special events, important information deals your practice has, etc. To do so you must create an email template, pull a client report, then send the email to the people on the report.
- From the Menu, click on Settings > Client Engagement > Email Templates.
- Click Add a New Email Template.
- Give the email template a descriptive name, give it a subject (this will be the subject line to the email that your clients receive), and fill out the editor with the email you wish to send. Remember that you can personalize the email by using merge fields to enter client name, patient name, etc.
- Click Save once you have finalized your email.
- From the Menu, click on Reports.
- Click on the edit pencil next to the Client Report.
- Click New Run.
- Enter desired Report Run Name. Clear or enter appropriate date filters and add any other filters such as Include clients with email only.
- Click Generate.
- Once the report runs, click on Send Mass Communication link.
- Choose the correct template and select all emails, then click on the Process button. Note that the button will not be displayed until you select a template and at least one client in the report to email.
To track the status of the emails that are being processed, you can click on the Communication Log for Report link. Please be aware that it may take longer to send emails based on the number of clients being emailed, but you should see the number increase while it is processing.