To sign up for an account with MessgeMedia, please contact Message Media's sales department
Enabling MessageMedia
- Once you have your credentials from MessageMedia, you can enable the integration by going to Settings > Integration Settings.
- Select Enable SMS Integration and Save.
- Then go to Menu > Settings > Client Engagement > SMS Setup in the sidebar and enter your MessageMedia credentials.
- When complete, click Save.
- If the customer experiences a credentials error when sending SMS messages, ensure the Legacy API Credential key has been created within their Message Media login.
Using the MessageMedia Feature
- The client’s phone number must be enabled to receive text messages. You can either do this when you initially add them or later under their general info screen.
- Once an SMS enabled phone number is added, you can:
- Send service reminders from the Patient Reminders Report
- Send appointment reminders from the Appointment Report
- Send ad hoc text messages as needed from the client page for things like pickup times or surgery updates
- Send an Appointment Scheduled Confirmation to a client when their appointment is booked. They will be able to click the date to add it to their calendar on their mobile device.
You can enable/disable this feature through the Menu > Practice Setup > General > Calendar Settings. If enabled, clients will receive a text each time an appointment is made for one of their pets if their number is marked SMS Enabled.