The Practice Trending Report allows you to see trends in your practice over a set period of time in an easy to read line graph.
- To access the Reports section click Menu > Reports.
- To run and/or edit the Practice Trending Report click on the Edit pencil next to it:
- From this screen you will have the option to change the name and description of the report, run a new report, and view previous reports:
Creating a New Run
- Click on New Run (as shown in the figure above).
- The screen below will appear:
- Report Run Name: Give the report a name
- Start Date/End Date: Choose the date range you would like to see trending data
- Chart's Horizontal Axis: Choose if you would like to see this data by day, week, month, or year.
- Data Set to Include: Choose the data sets you would like represented in the line graph.
- Click Generate when you have made all your selections
- The data points below will be reflected as of the time period you select above (by the day, week, month, or year):
- Accounts Receivable Balance – total of all receivables
- Amount Of Payment Transactions – total amount of payments
- Average Payment Transaction – average transaction amount
- Number Of Payment Transactions – count of payments
- Number Of Future Visits
- Number Of Active Patients
- Number Of Active Clients
- Number Of Active Clients With No Visit
- Number Of Active Clients With At Least One Visit
- Number Of New Clients
- Number Of New Patients
- Number Of Future Boarding Reservations
- Number Of Completed Visits – only includes completed visits assigned to a patient
- Number Of Completed Visits By Client – only includes completed visits grouped by client, so if a client has two visits completed it only counts once
- Average Transaction Per Patient – amount of payment transactions / number of completed visits
- Average Transaction Per Client – amount of payment transactions / number of completed visits by client
- Once you click Generate the report will display Report Details, Filters, and the Practice Trending line graph:
- You can view the hard data for all data points (not just the ones you selected) over the period of time specified by clicking on Click to view data set.
- The data set headers are at the top and the information for each date is below.
- The report reads vertically. As an example, we have highlighted which header goes to which data value below: