The Patient Monitoring section of the patient medical record lists the Inventory items, Labs, and Services you would like to actively monitor for your patients and are configured by species.
You can designate inventory, lab, and service items to only show if it has been recorded in the patient medical record (e.g., either as a Treatment or manually added historical lab result). When configured this way, in the Patient Monitoring section, the Date provided for that item is listed.
Additionally, you can designate inventory, lab, and service items to always show in the Patient Monitoring section – even if the patient has not received the item in the past. When configured to always show and you see the Date as Never, this can serve as an indicator that the patient may need to receive the item (e.g., heartworm test), a history needs to be gathered, or other reasons you interpret.
If an inventory item, lab, or service displays as a hyperlink (underlined in blue), this indicates the item is part of the patient's medical record. When clicked, you will be brought to that particular Treatment item of the patient record where you can then see additional details about that treatment.
Additional Resources
How do I add an Item for patient monitoring?
How do I change patient monitoring settings?
How do I remove an Item from patient monitoring?