***As of 4/4/2022, eVetPractice is no longer integrated with VPR Cloud.
Customers should not get charged from VPR moving forward.
Veterinary Pharmacy Reference (VPR) has transformed to a new web-based system. This means you can access VPR from any device, including Mac, PC, Smartphone, and Tablet! It's the new standard of practice for today's veterinarian and we think you'll love all of the features VPR Cloud has to offer. To learn more visit VPR Cloud at http://vprcloud.com/.
You can also view a VPR Cloud demo via YouTube by visiting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zoI5pAJF-o.
VPR Cloud has also integrated with the Timeless Vet Drug Index - a strictly evidence-based drug formulary by Etienne Côté, Stephen Ettinger & Wayne Schwark. Enjoy over 2,000 new treatment recommendations backed by the best existing peer-reviewed evidence.
The integration with VPR Cloud allows you to associate your existing drugs located in inventory management with VPR Cloud’s drugs. This association can then be used to automatically include client info sheets to the pet owner during the checkout process.