Cubex provides the solutions needed to manage pharmacy and supplies throughout the veterinary hospital. Our proven dispensing technologies provide a measurable return on investment, while helping to increase charge capture, streamline workflow, facilitate regulatory compliance and enhance data analysis. Cubex is committed to providing sophisticated solutions that help veterinarians improve charge capture and reduce excess inventory through increased control and accountability.
The direct connection between your practice and Cubex allows you to reduce missed charges by keeping what was dispensed from the Cubex cabinet in sync with the customer’s invoice.
To view more about the Cubex System, please visit
Enabling the Integration
NOTE: Before you enable the integration, please make sure you have the following from Cubex:
- Site Code
- Username
- Password
To enable the Cubex integration, you will need access to Settings.
- Go to Menu > Settings > Practice Setup > General.
- Scroll down to Integration Settings and expand.
- Check the box labeled Enable Cubex Integration.
- Once the option is checked, scroll down until you see the new section called Cubex Account Settings.
- Enter the Site Code, Username, and Password.
- Then click the Save option at the bottom of the page.
Configuring the Integration
- Once the account settings are saved, you can enable all inventory items to be a Cubex item by clicking on the button labeled Enable All Inventory Items.
- Note: Pulse best practices recommends only enabling items that are going to be stored in the Cubex as "is Cubex Item" rather than enabling all inventory items.
- By default, the practice inventory code will be used as the inventory code in Cubex.
- You can control whether the item should be dispensed using the Cubex system by editing the individual item.
- You can also set the Cubex item code if it does not match the code used on your practice item. In most cases, this code will just match in both systems.
How to Use
There are three ways to have a patient’s demographic data transmitted to the Cubex system.
- When creating a patient in your practice, the patient’s demographic data is transmitted to the Cubex system as inactive.
- From the Patient’s Quick Links section, “Sync Patient with Cubex”. The patient is created as active in the Cubex system.
- By adding a treatment item to the patient’s record in the patient is created as active along with the treatment items added for dispensing.
You can also enter the items into the Cubex system first and have those transmit back to your practice. This would cause an invoice to be created with the item added.
Additional Information
- Adding items or returning items from the Cubex system first will experience up to a minute delay. For returns, if the item has already been closed and paid for, the quantity will not be adjusted. You will have to go into the client's receipt and return the item from the payment history screen.
- If a patient is marked as inactive in the system, the information is sent to Cubex if that patient has any invoice items on an invoice that has been created or modified up to two (2) days before the patient status change. Otherwise, the integration won't send patient status changes to Cubex, and the patient would need to be manually inactivated on the Cubex side.
- The act of marking an inventory item as a Cubex item, and providing a Cubex code, does not itself immediately cause any information to be sent to Cubex at that moment. Information is sent when the item is placed into a patient's treatment.