Pulse offers the ability to write prescriptions out manually if you so choose to and we have a guide on creating a template for that located here - https://support.evetpractice.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260804677570-How-can-I-create-a-Prescription-Pad-document-template
Should you also desire to have those same written prescriptions show up in the Prescription History tab as well to better keep track of what's been written, when and by whom, you can definitely do so.
Creating the inventory item that will be used going forward in tandem with the document template
1. Create an inventory item. Ideally the inventory item's name is something easily recognizable, like WrittenRx as the code and Written Prescription as the name of the inventory item. This is necessary because billable item names are not able to be changed on demand or on the fly. The category you put it in is up to you. What is important is that the Cost/Markup/Price are all at 0.00 and the Is Dispensable flag towards the bottom is checked. All other options with this item are completely up to you.
2. After checking the Is Dispensable box on the inventory item in question, you will have a pop up window appear where you will fill it out as follows - Name should be CHANGE THIS or something that draws attention to people that they need to modify it. Everything else can be left blank. The instruction area is optional in filling out a blanket statement, you may put what you desire in there.
Using the inventory item to log record of the Written Prescription to the Medical Record
1. To use your inventory item to log a written prescription to the Prescription History tab of the patient's MR, you will need to invoice it. You can do this via quick invoicing or treatment, whichever you are most comfortable with.
2. After invoicing the item, you will expand it's details by clicking on the item name, which will expand a window below it showing you the item details and the rx details.
3. In the rx details, you will change the Name, the Strength and any other relevant info you wish to include, be it refills, DIN number, instructions, etc...
4. After you fill this information out, it's very important that you click Save Rx since you will not be printing a label (Alternatively you could set it up to print a label and attach that to your printed Written Prescription document template as well). The save rx is the portion that commits this item to the patient's prescription history tab, if it is not clicked (or a label is not printed) then no entry will be made.
5. After this is done, you may now check out this invoice. It will be a 0.00 invoice if it's by itself or appended on to any invoice you have compiled for the client.
6. If you go back to the patient's Medical Record and go to the Prescription History tab, you will see your entry in there with the Rx details name that you replaced, along with the strength of that rx details entry you put.
Reporting on Written Prescriptions
There is an added bonus here with utilizing this method in that you can report on it!
To do so, you'll want to browse to your reporting dashboard and run the Prescription Report (https://support.evetpractice.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260805193409-How-do-I-configure-and-run-the-Prescription-Report )
After doing so, you will see that the item that you invoiced and save to the Prescription History tab will also display with those same modified details in this report.
Which means as administrators you can figure out what was your most written prescription over the course of a time period and you can then make decisions with that information.
You can also gather just a count of how many written prescriptions were written with the usage report (https://support.evetpractice.com/hc/en-us/articles/206263177--How-do-I-configure-and-run-the-Usage-Report ) but it will only provide basic info such as client/patient and quantity used in a given period of time but not details about what was typed for the written prescription.