This article discusses how to:
- Create a Referral Letter template
- Generate a Referral Letter from the patient's record
- Go to Menu > Settings > Medical Setup > Patient Referral System.
- Click Add Referral Letter Template.
From here you'll need to give the referral letter template a Name (Description is optional) then hit Save. which will take you to the document editor. This editor is the same editor that can be found throughout the software and works like a standard word processor.
As you build your referral letter template, you will find that there are new merge fields available only in this section that will help you in creating your template:
Merge fields derived from the referral record
- %referralhospital%
- %referralhospitalphone%
- %referralhospitalfax%
- %referraldoctor%
- %referraldoctorphone%
- %referraldoctorfax%
- %referraldate%
Merge fields derived from the medical record
- %complaintn% (Reason for Visit name only)
- %complaint% (Reason for Visit comments only)
- %complaintnc%(Reason for Visit name and comments)
- %exam% (Exam summary only)
- %examanswers% (Exam answers only)
- %examsa% (Exam summary and answers)
- %examdr% (Exam provider)
- %prescriptions% (Date + Name + Quantity of any dispensable medications selected to be included in letter)
- %diagnosisn% (Diagnosis name only)
- %diagnosis% (Diagnosis comments only)
- %diagnosisnc% (Diagnosis name and comments)
- %plann% (Plan name only)
- %plan% (Plan comments only)
- %plannc% (Plan name and comments)
When creating your letter, the question you will need to ask yourself is "Where will the information I need be located in the medical record based on how I used the provided fields?" Here is a sample of a referral letter template:
Discharge Letter
Referring Hospital: %referralhospital%
Client: %clientfirstname% %clientlastname%
Patient: %patientname%, %patientbreed%, %patientsex%, %patientage%, %patientweight%
Dear %referraldoctor%:
%clientfirstname% %clientlastname% presented %patientname% for care on %referraldate%. Below is a summary of %patientsexadjl% visit and treatments at %practicename%.
If laboratory testing and/or x-rays have been done, a copy has been included with this letter and emailed to %clientfirstname% %clientlastname%. Please do not hesitate to contact me at %practicephone% or email at %practiceemail% should you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your referrals,
Once you've completed your referral letter, make sure to hit Save at the bottom.
You can now send the referral letter using the steps in the related article below.
Related articles
For more information on sending a referral letter or adding a doctor or hospital please see the following articles: