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A highly requested report is the Production Pay (or Commission) Report. Clinics compensate their providers based on production or sales of products, services, and labs. Based on the individual provider level, different rates are established to calculate this additional compensation, commonly defined in employment contracts. Below are instructions on how to set up this section for providers.
To run this report:
- Click on the Menu > Settings > Employees > Production Pay.
Important: Only the Business/Group Manager, Business/Group Owner roles will be able to see this area.
- From the Main Screen, select Manage Production Pay Types or Add Production Pay for Providers.
Manage Production Pay Types
- Click Manage Production Pay Types to create a Production Pay Type to assign to Providers.
- Name must be unique and can be up to 50 characters.
- Select a Rate Type:
- Flat Rate
- Profit
- Percentage
- Create a Default Rate Value based off of the type selected.
- If the practice is associated with a group practice, change the Practice in the drop-down list.
After creating the Type, select the option to Add and close. This will add the Production Pay Type, but items are not linked to the Type. Select Add and Assign Items to be redirected to the Assigned items screen, show below, to link items to the Type that was created.
Assigning Items to a Production Pay Type
- Within the Manage Production Pay Type screen, click on the Link icon next to the Production Pay Type to assign an item(s) from the catalog to a certain type.
- Select items from Product, Service, Lab and Packages. Within these sections, select items to assign or unassign to the Type selected. Changes will automatically be saved once the user selects an option.
- At the top of the grid, select Item name to select all items on the page to apply a certain action.
Tip: Use the search bar to search for a certain item or use the filter icon to narrow down the search.
Edit/Delete a Production Pay Type
After a Production Pay Type is created, the new Production Pay Type is displayed on the Grid under Manage Production Pay Types. Next to each Production Pay Type, click on the pencil icon to make any edits to the Type or click the Trash Can icon to delete a Production Pay Type.
Edit Production Pay Type
When the pencil icon is clicked, a flyout will appear and the user can change the Name, Rate Type, and Rate Value. Once the user hits Save, the changes will display on the Grid. If the user selects Cancel, the options will remain the same.
Delete Production Pay Type
If the user wants to delete a Production Pay Type, this can be done by clicking on the Trash Can icon. Doing so will display the pop-up below to confirm the deletion of the selected Type or Cancel to keep the Type active. If Delete is selected, it will remove that Type from the Grid.
Add Production Pay for Provider
In the Add Production Pay for Provider Page:
- Select a Provider from the drop-down list to associate Production Pay Types to that Provider.
- Select different Types to associate with the provider selected. This is easily done by checking off the box in the grid next to the Type name.
- From the pop-up of action options, click on Assign Type.
Tip: There is also the option to use the toggle feature inside the Grid to assign or unassign an item.
Edit Production Pay Type for Provider
- To edit the Production Pay Type, click the Edit pencil next to a line item.
A flyout will display after selecting the Edit icon. If Use Default Rate is selected, all options will be grayed out. However, Assigned can be checked to assign this Type to the Provider selected in the drop-down list.
- If Use Default Rate is not checked, the Rate Type and Rate Value can be changed.
- Click Assigned to assign the Type to the Provider selected.
- Clicking Save will update any changes made in the Edit flyout or Cancel will keep the original data entered.
Delete a Provider
- From the Production Pay main screen, select a Provider from the left-hand column.
- Click on the trash can icon to delete the Provider that was selected.
- After the delete option is selected, the pop-up notification below will display. If the Delete option is selected, the Provider that was selected along with all types that were associated with that provider, will be deleted. If Cancel is selected, no changes to that Provider will be made.
Duplicate Production Pay
Use the steps below to duplicate Production Pay to another Provider.
- From the main Production Pay screen, select a Practice and a Provider from the drop-down list on the left-hand side.
- After a selection is made, click the icon with the plus to duplicate the Production Pay setup for that Provider in the practice selected.
- Within the pop-up, select the Provider to copy the Production Pay setup to.
- From the Save and Close button, choose Save and Close to keep the setup exactly the same as the Provider it was copied from. Choose Save and Edit to be redirected to the Edit screen to be able to make changes to the setup
NOTE: Only Providers that are active within the clinic selected on the left-hand side will display in the drop-down menu. When using the copy feature only active data will be copied.
Edit a Production Pay Provider
- On the main page, select a practice and a provider on the left side.
- Click on the Pencil icon to open the Edit Page to make changes to the Types that are assigned to the selected Provider.
From the Edit Production Pay for Provider screen:
- Click the Pencil icon to make any edits to the Type.
- Within this Grid option, use the toggle to assign and unassign a Type.
- Use the checkbox at the top of the headers to complete a bulk update on all or multiple selected items.
- Use the search bar to search for a specific Type along with the filter to narrow down search options.
The flyout appears to edit the Rate Type, and Rate Value (if Use Default Rate is not checked). Once saved, the changes will display on the Grid.