Inventory items have the ability to have an Administration Value chart display, based on Dosage Calculations, to use as a reference when dispensing items. In this article, you will find information on:
- Configuring Drug Routes
- Configuring Dosage values, by route, for an inventory item
- Viewing the Administration Value chart based on route and dosage information selected
- Setting the treatment quantity based on the calculation
Configure Drug Routes
Create new and/or rename existing Drug Routes. You can create multiple drug routes of the same type, but to be used for specific species calculations, as well.
- Go to Menu > Inventory > Inventory Management.
- Click on Manage Drug Routes.
- To rename an existing Drug Route, choose its name from the Route drop-down menu. Then update the Name field, for example, to append the Species name.
- Click Save.
- To create a new Drug Route name, choose –Select or Add – option from the Route drop-down menu. Enter the desired route, and, if desired, add the species name, in the Name field. Click Save.
Configure Dosages Settings by Route
- Click the Edit pencil under the Dosages column beside the desired Inventory item. If there is not an edit pencil, the Inventory item may not have an appropriate sell measure and/or concentration value defined on it.
- The Manage Dosages screen opens.
- Choose the desired route name from the Route drop-down menu.
- Enter min/max/default dosage values.
- Click Save.
Viewing the Administration Chart
When you add the inventory to the medical record, you’ll be able to choose the desired route from the Route drop-down menu and adjust the Dosage value (if needed).
- Click on the item name to expand the dosage calculations.
NOTE: The Administration Chart is for calculation usage only. The calculated value will not save nor the data persist (be remembered) of what you chose in the Route drop-down or entered in the Dosage field.
- A link, Set Treatment Quantity, has been added for inventory items with Dosages configured.
- When this link is clicked on, the quantity of the treatment is overwritten with the Administer Value from the Dosage Calculation section.

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