An optional practice setting can be enabled, allowing a prompt to display when a vaccine is invoiced to a patient. The vaccine prompt will autofill based on the vaccination's setup for the drug expiration date, lot or serial number, and when the patient is next due for the vaccine. The patient's vaccination log will update according to the information entered in the prompt.
**Note**: This feature should only be used when following Vaccine Configuration Best Practices as shared in this article: Best Practices for Vaccine Configuration.
Enabling the Practice Setting
The first step to utilizing the vaccine prompt involves enabling the practice setting. An employee with the role of Business Owner or Business Manager can enable the setting by following the steps below:
- Go to the Menu > Settings > Practice Setup > General > Miscellaneous Settings
- Check the setting to Prompt for vaccine serial (lot number and expiration date upon adding to a treatment.
- Scroll down to click Save.
Vaccine Configuration
Vaccine configuration involves creating an Inventory item linked to a Service/Procedure.
The vaccine prompt will use the Inventory Lot Information. The inventory item is utilized for inventory tracking purposes only, by enabling the Use Lots setting and entering the Manufacturer, Lot number/Serial Number, and Vaccine Expiration Date.
Vaccine Services (procedures) should be linked to the appropriate inventory item with the following entered:
- Vaccine Name
- Vaccine Type
- Dosage Type
- Licensing Information
- The option to Create the Vaccination Log Entry is enabled.
Note: The vaccine's Manufacturer and Serial Number fields do not need to be filled in as long as the inventory item has lots enabled with all corresponding information.
Using the Vaccine Prompt
Once the practice setting is enabled and your vaccinations have been configured, the vaccine prompt is ready to be used. The prompt will display when the vaccination is invoiced and marked as complete through Quick Invoicing, Treatments, or Estimate Conversion.
- The Lot Number will autofill based on the Inventory item's Lot Number. The value entered will display on the patient's vaccination log as the Serial Number.
- The Drug Expiration Date will autofill based on the linked inventory item details. If there are active lots, the date will autofill from the lot with the earliest expiration date. If there are inactive lots or lots are not enabled, the date will autofill from the inventory item expiration date. If expiration dates are not entered on the inventory item, the drug expiration date will be blank and can be entered manually.
- The Vaccine Next Due will autofill based on the Service item's Animal Control Licensing period. The date entered will display on the patient's vaccination log as the Date Expires.
Helpful Tips for Lot Number vs. Serial Numbers on the Vaccination Log
- If an Inventory item has missing information (Manufacturer, Lot Number or Expiration date), then the Service Item's serial number and/or manufacturer will replace the lot number.
- If an Inventory item utilizing lots is enabled as a vaccine, then the lot number will replace the serial number.
- If the vaccine prompt is disabled, the lot number will always override the serial number.