This article contains a summary of the additions and improvements made to Pulse for the month of August 2024.
Updated August 2024 (version 2024.8 or higher)
- The Client and Patient signalment will now account for multi-line Alerts and Allergies. If the Alert/Allergy contains more information than what can fit on the signalment, there will a "view more" link to show all of the text.
- The client alert displays when there is an unpaid balance/amount still due after processing a payment and the user is redirected to the email payment history page.
Covetrus Payment Processing (Worldpay triPOS)
Receipt Printing
- Added the ability to reprint the receipt from device for credit and debit card transactions for practices enabled with Covetrus Payment Processing (WorldPay Integrated Solution).
- Provided the ability for practices with the WorldPay triPOS cloud integration enabled AND has a Move 5000 and/or Lane 7000 device to enable/disable printing paper receipts from those devices.
- The Merchant Copy receipt will print with the Customer Copy for practices enabled with Covetrus Payment Processing (WorldPay Integrated Solution) and print receipts from device.
Client Balance due notification after payment
- This change remediates missed payments due to partially approved debit card payments. In all post-payment setup scenarios, including the email receipt scenario, the pop-up notification will show that the client has a balance due after the payment is completed.
Added the Resource Center to Enterprise pages.
Exam/Highlights (updated version)
Added an option in the Highlights Sidebar settings to allow it to default open, per user.
- Updated the form setup to now allow for switching from all 'neutral' checkboxes and back to 'normal' and 'abnormal'. Previously, if all checkboxes were of the 'neutral' type, it was locked in.
- The patient signalment will now denote when a patient is marked as a 'Mixed' breed in the Patient Profile. The Signalment will display (Mixed) after the breed, and patients with two breeds, will now be separated with a "/" vs. a "|".
- Clicking the browser back button or refresh, will now check for unsaved changes on an Exam form and properly notify in the browser whether to leave or stay on the page.
- Cancelling the 'update weight' prompt in an Exam form will no longer present the Vitals section in an endless loading state.
- Updated max number of visits that display in the Visit sidebar (Medical Record Highlights sidebar > Visits tile) from a max of 100 visits to max of 1000 visits.
- The signalment will no longer display the patient's DOB one day earlier than what's entered in the patient profile.
Added the ability to remove or decline lab treatment items when the lab contains partial or final lab results. The practice will have the option to remove the lab treatment item and then keep the results or remove both.
Tasks Dashboard
The overdue task count, that displays in the left navigation, will no longer include overdue tasks when a patient is deleted, a client is inactive, or client is deleted.
- Fixed the Patient date of birth on the Patient Profile after save was displaying one day behind the date of birth that was setup.
- An error will no longer occur when clicking Save, Print, or Email from the Generate Patient Document Quick Link after being redirected from the Whiteboard.
- The Patient Referrals tile in the highlights sidebar (also tab), will now be hidden for any practice that does not use the Referral System in Pulse.
- When a group owner gives an employee the role of group owner or business owner, an error will no longer display.
- When a business owner gives the business owner role to another employee, there will no longer be an error displayed.
- Updated column sorting in the Catalog list view when empty fields are present.
- Updated the Search in the Catalog to include the text in the Description field where it was missing.
- Printing or emailing original receipt with returned items no longer generates an error.
- Added Guam as a state into the database so practices can select it in their practice settings.
- Improved performance by making code changes to manage unhandled exceptions.
- Removed old Google Cloud Print links from practice settings and UI setup messages.