This article contains a summary of the additions and improvements made to Pulse for the month of September 2024.
Updated September 2024 (version 2024.9 or higher)
When scheduling a boarding reservation from the boarding calendar, the option to create a repeating boarding visit will display as it currently does on the Appointment Calendar.
The Selective Sync section on the Enterprise Dashboard is collapsed by default.
Exam/Highlights (updated version)
- Formatting of client phone numbers for Canada will display in the proper formatting.
- A locked exam form will properly display the action buttons when in a responsive (mobile) screen size.
- Saving a patient form will no longer cause the web browser to detect and prompt for unsaved changes when leaving the page.
- Fixed an issue for documents that were uploaded before the new feature was released that didn't manage the file extension correctly.
Added the ability to remove/decline a lab item that is linked to a lab order in final status.
Medical Records
- Quick invoicing will now display a warning error message for the employee to cancel submitted lab orders to remove the treatment item.
- Callbacks and reminders will now display in tiles when a callback or reminder is created, updated, or deleted and the Highlights tab is open in two tabs or browsers.
- Fixed the issue with the display of edited information that displays when clicking on a callback or reminder from the Highlights tile.
Tasks Dashboard
The plus sign (+) was removed from the Add Task button.
Corrected an issue with wildcard logic satisfying internal/manual reminders. Wildcard logic will only satisfy reminders that are NOT Callbacks or To Do's.
- Improved calendar page load speed.
- In the Pulse Catalog for Labs and Services, markup will no longer be cleared if the rounded price does not match the calculated price exactly.
- Users will now be able to add or edit entries on tiles when redirected from Medical Record tiles.
- Fixed formatting of dollar amounts on printed receipts for Worldpay triPOS cloud devices.
- Corrected the operation that was causing wellness plans to display as expired and preventing auto-renewal.
- For Enterprise, corrected the issue where the price value greater than 1000 that includes a comma was displaying a message stating the price settings were saved successfully but the price was set to $0.00.
- Corrected when a percentage discount was applied to a balance and the total was over 1000, a comma appeared, and payment could not be processed.