This article will go over the general workflow of adding a patient to the Treatment Board and the treatment tasks the patient will need. The following areas will be covered.
Check In
A patient can be added to the Treatment Board from Appointments or from the Whiteboard. It is important that the Visit Status used for check in is configured to add the patient to the Whiteboard and the Treatment Board.
- On the Appointments calendar or Boarding calendar, check in a patient using a Visit Status that will place the checked in patient on the Whiteboard and Treatment Board. For help with the Visit Status, see the Configuration article.
- On the Whiteboard, click the Check In Patient button to add a patient to the Whiteboard and Treatment Board.
Create the Patient Plan
The Patient Plan is where you can add and edit treatment tasks and activities the patient will need while in the hospital.
- From the Menu, click on
Treatment Board. Patients checked in for treatment for the day will appear on the Patient Overview Sheet.
- Click on a patient's name to open the patient's plan.
- On the left side is where you enter the plan information.
Problem/Diagnosis - Click the plus icon Resuscitate - Click the plus icon Special Care - Click the plus icon Provider & Department - Click on the Provider & Department label to edit. You can change the Vet in Charge, select the Department, select a second vet, and select the technicians who will treat the patient. Cage - If the patient was checked into a boarding appointment, the Cage is selected in the Boarding appointment dialog box. Tasks - Click the plus icon Arrival Status - The date and time Arrived is a read-only field. The date and time Admitted can be edited for Inpatient patients. Discharge Status - Click on the Discharge Status to edit. The status can be Undecided, Stay, or Going. The Stay until date can be edited if the patient will be staying beyond the current date. The Discharge Status is also where you can check out the patient when the patient is ready to leave. |
Daily Plan
From the Daily Plan area, you can add Services and schedule when those service items need to be administered. Labs that need to be taken can also be added as a task to the patient's plan.
Daily Plan - Click the plus icon Filters - Click on Filters to select your filter options: Event type and/or Status. Scheduled Unscheduled - Click on Scheduled to view the treatment tasks that have been scheduled. Click on Unscheduled to view treatment tasks that have not been scheduled yet. |
Use the Notes area to enter any information about the patient's visit that would be important for staff to be aware of and entered in the patient's medical record.
- In the Notes area, click the plus icon
to enter a new note.
- Click Save to save the information.
Schedule Service Treatments
Services can be scheduled on the Scheduler Sheet or from the Plan.
Scheduler Sheet
- Click on the link at the top, Go to Scheduler Sheet.
- On the right will be the Unscheduled tasks.
- Click and drag a task to the location and time on the Scheduler Sheet. The mouse pointer will change to four arrows.
- On the right side, as shown in the image below, click on the task to be scheduled.
- From the Event details panel, click on the Date. This will expand so you can select a different date and set the time.
- Set the Duration for the task.
- Select the Location.
- Click the Add another person link if another person should be added to the scheduled task.
- Click Save.
Note: Labs cannot be scheduled at this time. It will be an option available in a future release.
Schedule Assessments and Activities
The Patient Sheet is where patient assessments and activities can be scheduled. The Patient Sheet is also where medication to be administered can be added and scheduled.
- From the Patient Overview Sheet, click on a patient.
- From the patient's Plan, click on Patient Sheet.
- The Patient Sheet will display. The image below shows the Patient Sheet with scheduled Assessments, Activities.
- Under a block of time, to the right of an assessment or activity, click to schedule the assessment or activity.
- A new panel will display to add the assessment, activity, or enter a record of an activity. You can enter any notes or observations at this time. You can also adjust how much time to allow for the task.
- Click Save.
Duplicate previous day
If a patient is going to remain in the hospital for more than one day, the tasks from the previous day can be copied to the new day.
On the Patient Sheet for the new day, click Duplicate previous day. This will copy the tasks from the previous day to the new day.
If you decide not to carryover the same tasks from the previous day to the current day, click Clear this day. A prompt will appear confirming if you want to continue deleting the tasks as the operation cannot be undone.
Add Medications
It is from the Patient Sheet where you can add what medications are to be administered to the patient, when, and the dosage.
- Under Medications, click the plus icon
to open the Add Medications panel.
- Use the Filter to search for the medication then click on the medication to select it.
- At the top of the panel, click Continue.
- Click on Administration details and enter the Dosage, Dose rate, and choose if Rate, Total mg, or Total ml. (or tablet) should be displayed.
- Click Done.
- Back on the Add Medication panel, click Setup up schedule.
- Select if the medication is a Single event or Recurring event.
- Under Give, verify the date and enter the time the medication is to be administered.
- Under Allotted time, enter the maximum amount of time given to complete the task.
- If administering the medication is a recurring event, enter how often to repeat the task.
- Click Done.
- This returns you to Add Medication. If there are any additional instructions to be entered, click Add instructions.
- When finished adding instructions, click Save.
Discharge Status
When all treatments have been administered to the patient, you can change the Discharge Status for the patient.
- On the Plan view, click on Discharge Status.
- From Edit Discharge Status, select if Undecided, Stay, or Going. In most cases, if the patient is ready to go, it is the veterinarian or vet tech who will choose Going. This will let the staff at the front to know the patient is ready to be checked out.
- If Going is selected, the discharge status is expanded.
- Select the employee discharging the patient from the Discharged by list.
- Enter the date and time From and To.
- If the patient has left, check Patient has gone.
- Click Save & Close if the patient is to be checked out at the front.
- Click Save & checkout if you want to proceed to concluding the invoice.
Save & Checkout
After the patient is marked as ready to be discharged, you can follow your normal process of checking out the patient and concluding the invoice. However, the steps below go over the Save & checkout option from Edit Discharge Status.
- Click Save & checkout from Edit Discharge Status.
- The screen will go to the Checkout screen, Note: This may take a moment while charges are being added from the Treatment Board.
- When the charges have been added, proceed with processing the payment.
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