The following features and enhancements have been added to eVetPractice version 19.50 released on 5/1/2019.
Client and patient alerts have been added to the Patient Summary in the Add Visit/Appointment and Edit Visit/Appointment screens. In the image below, the patient alert appears after the patient has been selected.
Client and patient alerts have been added to Quick Invoicing so the user can apply discounts or provide appropriate care to the patient.
Smart Flow
An option to toggle on/off inclusion of "Inventory" when syncing inventory-related data to Smart Flow Sheet has been added to General Settings | Integration category.
When this setting is enabled, any time an inventory code is passed to Smart Flow, it will not include "Inventory_" before the code. Procedure and Lab codes will still prepend to avoid issues with duplicate codes within Smart Flow. ("Procedures_" and "Lab_")
The sync occurs by selecting a category within the Inventory area of Settings. Once a category is selected, the option to Sync Category with Smart Flow becomes available.
- In a group practice environment, when saving a billable item category change, the program will confirm that the Practice ID of the "before" billable item category matches the "after" billable item category.
- If the billable item has multiple reminders setup, all reminders will be created when manually entering a vaccine for that item.
- Prescription expiration dates will appear on the Prescription Report when generated and the Report will localize dates according to location of the practice.
- Logic has been added to prevent duplicate receipt numbers from being generated.
- Column alignment has been formatted appropriately and the Vendor column added to the On Hand Expired screen in Inventory.