The following features and enhancements in ver. 19.70 of eVetPractice released on 6/20/2019.
eVetPractice now allows you to send on-demand text messages throughout the application through Rapport! You are also now able to create canned templates to reduce time manually typing messages you would frequently use. If you are interested in learning more about Rapport, call (855) 980-9099 or read more about it here.
On the Usage Report, all items selected, including items with a zero value, will be included in the totals section, if the report option is selected. The Show Totals option must be checked to select the option Include items with zero usage in totals.
Wellness Plans
For users with access to the API, you will be able to view Wellness Plan data for patients.
- Medical Records - The weight history will show for the patient currently displayed on the screen and not the weight history of any other patient.
- Medical Records - Relocating records with documents will be moved to the target patient. If the records cannot be relocated, the records will stay where they are and an error message will display letting the user know and to contact support.
- Packages -When converting to a treatment from an estimate which contains a package, the package code and name will be the same as what is in the estimate.
- Reports - Provider Summary and Discount Summary on the Sales report will match Payment History for the client on closed paid invoices.