You may run into an issue when you print a Medical Record and when you open the PDF it does not look anything like the medical record you were viewing.
- Seeing something that is not even included in the medical record could mean that there is a document template that has been set up for Medical Record printing.
- Go to Main > Settings > Practice Setup > Document Templates.
- Click on the Type drop-down and select the Medical Record option.
- Which will then show you any templates that have the type set to Medical Record.
- To correct this you would click on the Edit pencil and edit the template.
- In the General Information you will see the option Template is used for and it will be set to Medical Record.
- Click on the arrow to the right to show the list of options and change it to Not Specified.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and then click on Save to save your changes.
- Now you should be able to print the patient medical record and it will include the correct information.