Occasionally a rabies tag number may need to be updated to a new rabies tag number because the original tag is lost.
Create an inventory item to track your Rabies Tags separately from your rabies vaccine if you do not already have an inventory item for rabies tags.
Create a service for Tag Replacement. Do not flag the service as a vaccine, since this is not a new rabies vaccine. Link the Tag Replacement service to your Rabies Tag inventory item.
When you invoice the Tag Replacement service, put the old tag number in the comments section of the Item Details. The old tag number will not be recorded anywhere else.
From the patient's Medical Record, click on the Vaccination Log button under the Quick Links box.
In the Vaccination Log find the original rabies vaccine to be edited and click the pencil icon to edit the vaccine information.
Update the Tag Number, Date Tag Issued and Save.
* Note original tag number for future reference before changing.