Callback reminder rationale and use case
- Callback reminders are internal reminders for practice staff.
- Commonly, clinics may set callback reminders to follow up on the patient after a visit or a surgical procedure.
- When a callback is created on a billable item, the callback is assigned to the provider of that billable item.
- Callbacks can be assigned to Inventory items or Services and Labs.
Setup and Configuration for Inventory Items
- Edit the Inventory item.
- Select Add Callback.
- Set the Time Period and When is due?.
- Save.
Note: callback reminder types are internal and intended for staff. They are not sent to the client.
Setup and Configuration for Services and Labs
- Go to the Menu > Settings > Products & Services > select Services or Labs.
- Edit the Service or Lab.
- On the Edit Item page, scroll down to Automated Reminders & Callbacks.
- Click + Add.
- From the fly-out panel, select Callback from the Type drop-down list.
- Enter the Description of the callback.
- Select the Time Period from the drop-down list.
- Enter the Due value.
- Check if the time period should be adjusted based on the quantity.
- Click Save.
Related Articles
- Reminder System Overview
- How do I attach a reminder to a billable item?
- How do I run a patient callbacks reminder report?