The callbacks workflow is now part of Tasks. Previously, callbacks were tied to the existing reminder workflow, to which it has now been separated out in order to make it a more task-oriented workflow.
Below will is an overview of the Tasks - callbacks.
Adding a Callback to a Patient
You are now able to create a callback from the following locations:
- Patient Highlights view.
- This section always displays when your practice has callbacks enabled.
- Patient General Information tab section for callbacks.
- Tasks Dashboard.
The Callback reminder type has been specifically removed from the Create Reminder view, so Callbacks will no longer be able to be added through that workflow.
In the create callback page, you are presented with a page to enter the Description (name), Employee, Existing Setup (from billable item), Time Periods, and the Due Date.
You can Save, Save and Create Another, or Convert to a Communication Entry on the Patient Medical Record.
When Editing a Callback that has already been created, the Time Periods drop-down list is no longer displayed. Instead, the Due Date is shown to allow you to still change that, if needed.
Tasks Dashboard
Create and view Callbacks and To Do items from the Tasks Dashboard.
From the Menu, click on Tasks to open the Tasks Dashboard.
- The Tasks view display is only taking into account callbacks and to do items that have a due date up to three months in the past, and due up until one month in the future, from the current day.
- The count (#) of tasks is added next to the Total Tasks above the task list.
- The Due date has now defaulted to sort in Ascending order, to display the callbacks which are due at the top. They will display there until they are Completed, Deleted, or the Due Date has been changed to be in the future.
- Previous options to sort columns have been removed to keep the list sorted this way.
- The Due date filter was changed to a single-date filter, rather than a date range.
- In the far left column, a checkbox has been added to either Complete or Delete tasks en masse, via the buttons on the top right.
- When clicking Copy comments to communication log, a prompt will come up with the previous comments on the Callback, to be able to edit before it is saved to the communication log.
- You have an option to just Save Task or Save and Complete Task.
- Icons have been added to show the status of the task to the right of the due date.
- = Overdue
- = Due Today
Other Callback Views
- The Patient Highlights Callbacks section has been moved above Reminders.
- Options to View and Create Callback links are displayed.
- After clicking View Callbacks, it will take you to a new section for Callbacks displayed under Patient General Information.
- Under the client page, a callbacks section has been added there as well, but only to View them.
- Callbacks will always display in ascending order by Date Due.
Billable Item Setup
When editing an Inventory, Procedure, or Lab Item, a new section was created to Add a Callback to a billable item, which gets added to the patient when invoiced.
When clicking Add Callback, the following screen is displayed.
- Description: Enter a brief description or reason for the callback.
- Time Period: You can select Hours, Days, Weeks, or Months.
- When is due multiplies the Time Period by the number which has been entered in the field.
- Whether or not to Adjust the time period by quantity.