To set up your Zoetis Reference Labs integration you will first need to contact Zoetis Reference Labs for the following account information:
- Clinic ID
- Zoetis Username
- Zoetis Password
- Fill out a data release form (this process can take up to a week according to Zoetis).
- Once you have collected this account information click on the Menu > Settings > Practice Setup > General > Integration Settings and click the box to Enable Zoetis Reference Labs Integration. Make sure to click the Save button before continuing.
- Next, click on Menu > Settings > Integration > Zoetis Setup in the sidebar.
- Fill in your Account Information and click Save.
Provider Mapping
Map your providers to the providers set up with Zoetis.
- Within the Zoetis Setup window expand the Provider Mapping section.
- Choose the correct Zoetis Provider for the Provider displayed.
NOTE: If you do not see your providers visible in the Zoetis Provider drop-down, please be sure the providers are established with Zoetis.
Species Mapping
Map the Zoetis species codes to your corresponding species codes.
- Within the Zoetis Setup window expand the Species Mapping section.
- Choose the correct Zoetis Code for the Species displayed.
Order Codes and Billable Item Setup
To submit a lab order to Zoetis Reference Labs, order codes will need to be added to your existing or new lab items. If your practice has existing lab items, we recommend configuring the existing lab items by following the steps below, then create new lab items and configure as needed.
Option 1: Configure Existing Lab Items
- Go to the Menu > Settings > Products & Services > Labs > edit the existing lab item.
- Enable the toggle for Integrated Lab Item and select Zoetis Reference Labs from the drop-down list.
- Add the corresponding Zoetis order code.
- Repeat this process for each lab item.
After the integration is configured, at a minimum, you’ll need to complete the following items:
- Lab Items: Your site may have been pre-populated with a subset of sample lab items that you can use or we will have brought these over from your old system if any data was migrated. Add new labs you need, delete the ones you do not need, and inactivate those you do not currently need, but may have a need for in the future.
- Pricing: Define the price and markup percentage for all items.
- Cost: Verify/change Cost (to you)
- Linked Inventory Item / Linked Procedure: Link Labs to inventory items and procedures that should be linked together. If you need to link a lab to more than (1) inventory item or more than (1) Procedure, use Packages instead. Linking Billable Items
Reminder Setup and Reminder Associations: Add reminder associations to any old lab codes from your old system’s lab billable items, if being replaced. Attaching a Reminder to a Billable Item
Option 2: Populating All Lab Codes
It is recommended to only populate all lab codes if the practice sees all species including large animal and exotics.
Pulse will import the following when automatically populating order codes:
- All current Zoetis Reference Lab codes. This will include all small, exotic, and large animal lab items. Many clinics find it is easier to add the few labs that they use, instead of filtering through the entire Zoetis catalog.
**Please note that NO PRICING to your clinic can be imported. You will need to assign a cost/price to each item.
After the integration is configured, at a minimum, you’ll need to complete the following items:
- Lab Items: Delete the ones you do not need and inactivate those you do not currently need, but may have a need for in the future.
- Pricing: Define the price and markup percentage for all items.
- Cost: Verify/change Cost (to you), if necessary, especially if you have any cost related contractual pricing that is different.
- Linked Inventory Item / Linked Procedure: Link Labs to inventory items and procedures that should be linked together. If you need to a link a lab to more than (1) inventory item or more than (1) Procedure, use Packages instead. Linking Billable Items
- Reminder Setup and Reminder Associations: Add reminder associations to any old lab codes from your old system’s lab billable items, if being replaced. Attaching a Reminder to a Billable Item
- Inactivate Old Zoetis Reference Lab Billable Items: Inactive (turn Red) old Zoetis Reference Lab Billable Items that are replaced with the new downloaded ones, as applicable.
- Packages: If Packages were migrated, update Packages that used your old codes to the newly imported items. Creating Packages
Related Articles
How do I submit a Zoetis Reference Labs order?