How to submit an Abaxis Lab Order?
The VetSync integration receives labs results and does not send requests to the analyzers. To ensure that lab results import into the medical record, submit the lab order prior to running the sample by following these steps:
- Add the lab treatment item to the patient’s record
- Repeat for other tests needed
- Submit the order, there is nothing to print
- Go to analyzer and enter the patient ID, choose tests to run, and process lab work
- Once the analyzer is done, it will transmit results to the Abaxis Cloud Service
- Pulse will pull results from the Abaxis Cloud Service and place them in the patient’s record and the lab dashboard.
If the results do not show up on the patient’s medical record, check the unassigned lab results. If the lab test was run before the lab order was submitted, or if the incorrect patient ID was entered, the results may show in the unassigned labs section.
- Click Home menu > Labs menu
- Scroll down to the Unassigned Lab Results section.
- Identify a result you want to assign to a patient. Click double arrow icon on the far left
- Enter patient name last name or patient ID to perform a patient search.
- Select the desired patient from the search results.
- Click on the Lab Order drop down and select (if any) the desired lab order to link it to. If there is not a lab order that matches, just leave it as it is.
- Click Save.
Note: If results are still not importing into the patient's medical record or showing in the unassigned labs on the lab dashboard, please reach out to Zoetis Tech Support at: 1-800-822-2947 and follow the prompts for connectivity. Zoetis recommends that a practice employee with access to Pulse lab settings be available.