Configuring When a Resource Appears on the Calendar
Behavior and Design
- If no resource is scheduled for a day, the calendar displays all enabled (green) resources in the resource view.
- Otherwise, days with a resource scheduled only display the resource or resources scheduled.
Configuring the Resource View Schedule
- Navigate to the Menu > Settings > Calendar > Calendar Resources.
In order to customize which day(s) each of the resources should appear on:
- On the calendar below the listing of resources, click on a date to prompt Add Resource Schedule.
- Check the repeat box to configure any recurring schedules (see image below).
- Repeat intervals can be set Daily, Weekday patterns, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly and can be set to end after a number of occurrences or on a set date. Each interval has its own settings, and the "Summary" tab describes what is being configured.
- Once the repeat settings are configured, click the Done button and then click Save.
- Otherwise, just click the save button without checking "repeat" if scheduling a resource for only that day.
Configuring Closed Days and Holidays
- We recommend creating an additional "Closed" or "Holiday" resource column to display closed days.
- Only schedule a Closed or Holiday resource for days the practice is not open.
Making Changes to the Resource Schedule
When you click on a specific resource name on the resource scheduling calendar view, you have two options: Edit and Cancel.
Important Note About Canceling and Editing
- Existing appointments on resources that are edited or canceled are moved to the first or "left-most" resource for a given day.
- As best practice, Support recommends the sequence of adding replacement resources first, moving or re-assigning existing appointments, and then making any necessary edits or removals of calendar resources.
Editing a Resource Schedule
- Clicking "Edit" on a scheduled resource allows practices to update the selected resource for that specific day.
Canceling a Resource Schedule
If you Cancel an item that was not configured to appear on a recurring basis, you will be prompted to confirm you want to cancel that particular resource schedule.
If you Cancel an item that was configured to appear on a recurring basis, you'll be prompted to confirm you want to cancel that particular resource schedule.
- Only this Resource Schedule - This cancels that particular resource's schedule for that day only. It will not affect day scheduled into the future.
- This Resource Schedule and Future Resource Schedules for Series - This option will cancel all of that particular resource's schedule starting that day and forward.
- Cancel - Closes the window without making any changes.
Drag-and-Drop a Resource Scheduled Item
- On the Resource scheduling calendar, you do have the ability to drag-and-drop an individual resource item from one day to another.
- Single-day resources prompt for a single confirmation screen to confirm the resource relocation.
- Resources with a recurring schedule will display a confirmation to make the change, but critically does not impact past or future recurring dates.