When setting up an account with a credit card payment partner, you can choose to work with any company you'd like. You may already have a relationship with a company or want to set up with another payment partner for other reasons.
When you set up an account with a credit card processing company they will either provide you with a card reader or point you towards supported terminals you can buy. Typically these readers will connect via USB to your computer or via a wireless connection to your network. Once the terminal is set up (the credit card company can help you with any questions you may have during this process) you're ready to get set up within the system.
Payment Type Configuration
To add, edit, or delete payment types you will go to Menu > Settings > Billing > Payments > Payments Accepted. You'll want to be sure you have at least one Credit Card type payment available. Some clinics like to have one payment type for all credit card transactions, but most prefer to separate out the different card types they accept (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, etc) so they can audit transactions easily. You can find more information on setting up payment types here: How do we add a new or edit an existing payment type?
Processing Payments
With your card terminal(s) and payment types set up, you're ready to process payments.
When you get to the checkout screen for a client and select a credit card type payment, you will be prompted to enter the last four digits of the client's card so you can keep track of what card was used to make what payments, if the need arises. You are not required to enter information here and can process the payment without the last four digits of the card entered. This can always be added later by editing the receipt in the client payment history.
Once you've entered the client card information you can click Process Payment and the system will record the transaction. This will NOT charge the client's card. The next step will be to enter the transaction information into the card terminal and swipe the client card. This is the action needed to charge the clients card.
When using a non-integrated payment partner you can think of the system as your bookkeeper. It will make a record of the transaction with date, time, payment type, and other important details. The processing of the payment is handled outside of the system on the credit card terminal you have set up.