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Labs are billable items configured to work with a lab provider or an in-house lab. You will want to set up your Labs to best suit your needs.
Create/Edit Labs
To work with Labs, go the Menu > Products & Services > Labs. Either select + Add Lab from the Pulse Billable Item Management screen or click on the name of an existing Lab to edit it.
The screen below will appear:
You will need to fill out the fields accordingly:
Details Card
- Item Type* - This can either be Service or Lab. The page will change to conform to the selected type.
- Category* - This will default to whichever category is the default for Labs in the practice, but you can change the category using the drop-down menu.
- Code* - This can be alphanumeric, and it must be unique.
- Barcode - This is the barcode on the item.
- Internal Name* - This can be the medical term or the Common Name
- Cost ($)* - This is the amount it cost you to perform the Lab.
- Markup (%) - If you enter a markup percentage and a cost, it will multiply your cost by the markup percentage and directly update the Price field.
- Price ($)* - This is the price you charge for the Lab. If you enter a Cost and a Price, the Markup percentage will be automatically calculated.
- Allow Price Change - This check box determines whether or not the price can be changed upon checkout. The employee would still need the right to change the amount even if this box is checked.
- Tax Level* - Set whether or not the Lab is subject to sales tax.
- Discount (%) - This will allow you to discount only this Lab.
- Show on Invoice - This field can only be used if the Lab has a zero cost to the client.
- Include in Production - This is for your production reporting. If you pay employees based on their production, but this Lab should not be included in that count, then turn the slider to off.
- Allow Discount - If you offer a discount to a certain group of people (i.e., senior citizens), this box will allow you to exclude items from that discount. This will also exclude this Lab from a Category discount.
- Lab Forms- Select from the list of lab forms saved within the practice.
Integrated Lab Item - When enabled the two fields below become available.
- Lab Integration - Select from the list of Lab providers configured for the practice. For In-House labs, select "None".
- Lab Integration Order Code - Enter the Lab Order code used for this entry with the lab provider.
- Intuit® QuickBooks® Settings - When editing an item, this button opens the QuickBooks settings specific to this Lab.
Note: The fields with the * are required to save the item.
Linked Items Card
- To add a linked item, click the "+ Item" button on the Linked Item card to open the search flyout.
- Search Catalog Items - Enter the name of the item you want to link to the Lab and click it from the list provided below the search box.
- Quantity - The default quantity is used for the linked item when adding the item to patient's medical record.
Note: Labs allow for one service and one product to be linked to them.
Restrictions Card
- To add restrictions, click the "+ Restrictions" button on the Restrictions card.
- Species - Select from the list of species defined for the practice. Multiple species can be selected. Once a number of species are selected, the remaining fields can be entered.
- Min Weight - The minimum weight for the patient. If the value is zero, no restriction is enforced. The weight units are defined in the practice settings.
- Max Weight - The maximum weight for the patient. If the value is zero, no restriction is enforced. The weight units are defined in the practice settings.
- Min Age - The minimum age for the patient. If the value is zero, no restriction is enforced.
- Age Units - Select from the age units available in the drop-down list.
Triggered Events Card
- Prompt to provide take home information - Enable this slider to select the a handout.
- Handout - This is the document to give to the client when this item is added to the invoice.
Automated Reminders & Callbacks Card
- Type - Select the type of reminder or select Callback from the list.
- Description - Enter a description of the entry.
- Time Period - Select the time units to be used for this entry.
When to Remind - This is when the first reminder is sent to the client.
Note: This does not apply to callbacks. - Due - This is when the entry is due.
Expiration - This is when the reminder is considered overdue.
Note: This does not apply to callbacks. - Adjust time period by quantity - This allows you to say if this is a monthly reminder, but they bought six items, we will remind them in six months instead of in one month.
Client Notes Card
- Enter any notes for a client that should be provided at checkout for this Lab.
Tier Pricing Card
- Quantity - The client will have to purchase at least this many to get the pricing.
- Markup (%) - The markup of the item's cost at this quantity. Updating the markup will recalculate Price for the item at this tier price.
- Price ($) - Unit price that should be charged at that quantity or higher (each). Updating the Price will recalculate Markup for the item at this tier price.
History Card
- Last Saved - Shows the date, time, and user who last changed the item.
- Created - Shows the date, time, and user who created the item.
- Change History Button - Opens the Change History screen with details about the changes that have been made to the item. Details about the use of Change History Screen can be found at the following link:
Once complete, you have three options to save your Lab:
- Save and Close - This is the default option. When clicked, your changes will be saved, and you will be returned to the Pulse Billable Item Management screen.
- Save and New - This option allows you to save and bring up a new blank Billable Item screen without first navigating to the Pulse Billable Item Management screen.
Save and Sync - This option is only available if the practice is in a group and the user is a group practice manager. When selected, it will act as the Save and Close option but also update the following field in all other practices in the group that have the matching item:
- Price
- Cost
- Markup
- Tax Level
- Service Fee
- Save - This option saves your progress while keeping you on this screen. Useful if you are working on an item and want to make sure your changes are not lost if you need to step away while working on an item.